Friday 18 May 2012

Monday 16 January 2012

Tims Assignment Part 2

Task 15

Different lenses -
Wide angle lens
When you don't zoom in using a DSLR the photo will look like they have a skinny body but a big head. If you do zoom in the photo looks even it has forced on it all.

Telephoto lens
Telephoto lens is a certain type of long focus lens. They can make the images look normal by the size and distance between far away objects and close up objects.

Marco lens
Gets really close to small objects, so that they can see the detail on the object being photographed.

Lighting -
The daylight is available and there to use, its natural and doesn't have a major effect on the photo being taken.

The flash is easy to use and if you want it to look natural you can use a soft box or reflector to make it have a different effect compared to daylight.

Task 18

Task 19