Tuesday 18 October 2011

Painting with lights Evaluation

For my Final Portfolio, I choose Painting with lights. I put the ISO to 100, Shutter speed to 2.5 seconds and Put the focus on manual. We used a torch to create the light and a dark area to make it stand out more and so  you could see the light more clearly without any other light crossing over it.
To improve my work -
Crop the images
Make sure all other light objects are out off the way

Painting with lights


Over the course off 5 weeks i have learnt about Light painting, Street photography, Macro and Shutter speed.
I have learnt how to use the different shutter speeds, apertures and ISO in different situations. I also learn how to take macro photography and street photography well and edit photos. We applied different shutter speeds to shoot Painting with lights and had to make the background dark, so we also had to mess around with the ISO number aswell. When we wanted to make the photo look blurry or capture something fast jumping in the air we had to make the shutter speed faster so we could capture the fast moving object. We also had to change the settings when shooting for Macro so the pictures wouldn't look blurry. I enjoyed doing the painting with lights and street photography the best, I could off done better on the Macro photography.
Now I know how to use the different effects on the camera I will be able to apply them to other types of photography later on. I will be able to use the shutter speed for different effects to make the photo look different. I could off also improved on the shutter speed abit better too.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Macro photography

Macro is very close up images and detailed piece off photography, it is usually off very small objects. When shooting marco images you tend to use a special lens.

High Key Photography

Friday 7 October 2011

4 Question

What have you liked shooting?
I enjoyed doing the painting with lights the best. I wanted to know how to do it myself! It always looks cool with whatever you do it with or whatever you try and create with it. I also have liked learning about the shutter speed, aperture and exposures and making your photos blurry by using that tool. It effects your photos alot. I also liked shooting the alphabet using different letters and it was hard to do it in the order too! So you had to be creative and think of what you could do. I also enjoyed doing street photography and walking around town and taking photos off what people were doing on there lunch breaks, days out and even in their spare time. As i found people was doing different things. I liked the 50 word fiction, which I did in week 4. We got a really short story and we had to take 3 photos to sum up the story. So you would be there for awhile trying to sum up the story the best you can! Which was quite difficult.

What have you disliked?
I didn't like having to do the strangers project on week 2, only because I didn't like the fact off having to go up to some random person and take photos of them and ask them questions, It was just a freaky thing to do! I also didn't like doing the architectural photo shoot, i didn't like the idea off taking pictures off buildings. It just seemed pointless to me.

How can we improve what we do at college?
I want to learn about magazine and fashion photography, apart from that I don't think that anything else needs to be improved!

What can I improve?
I can listen abit more and be less distracted by the internet! Also take some more notes and get the work done faster so I'm not so far behind!

week 1 - A-Z project

water mark