Tuesday 22 November 2011

Tims Assignment

Task 1

Bokeh effects 
Bokeh is just a out-of-focused image, you have to put your camera on manual focus, you put your F-stop low, you need to have a fast shutter speed. The further away you are from the background the better the image will come on. 

Vaseline effects
Using vaseline on your camera lens creates a soft focus effect, also to create the same effect you can use cling film, which gives you the same effect. Put your camera in manual mode and apply the vaseline or cling film onto the camera lens. Take a picture before you apply to show what it looks like before. 

Pin hole effects
If you get some tin foil and pin a whole in it, about 5 inches. Take a photo off the image before to show the difference 

Task 2

Vaseline/Cling film


Pin hole effect

Task 3 
Gaussian Blur
This effect gives you the same effect as using vaseline or cling film, it is just alot easier and simple to do. First you have to open a photo to photoshop/gimp. Duplicate the layer, then click filters and 'Blur' and then Gaussian blur. Adjust to the one you want, and what you want your image to look like. 

This effect gives you the same effect as doing in with the camera, it makes your images look out and blurred and using a paintbrush on photoshop makes the same effect and you can adjust it around and change it. 

Pin hole
The effect gives you the same as pin hole using a camera, you can adjust it as much as you like and change if you don't like it. 

Task 4 

My attempts:

The health and safety issues when taking these images are Tri-pod, as people can trip over it, or it can fall over, as it might be windy or might be in a busy place. Which can cause the tripod to be unstable. 

Task 5 
I am going to recreate these images.

My recreated images

Task 6
Showing Student Life

Task 7
I think that for my Task 6 went well and that the editing using photoshop went well, although to improve it i could add more images and have a variety of different edits for one single photo. I also think that Task 5 went well too, as they was just in incameracamera effects and was very simple to do. To improve my Task 5 i think i could add more different in camera effects and have different objects or places to take photos off. I think my Task 2 could be improved alot. I could have a variety off images using the same effects but shooting something different using the effect.

Task 8

These images are expanded on from the Task 2-4 using clingfilm to give a blurry effect. I did a few images in black and white which both had different shutter speed. The others was just on normal colour but making it blurry using clingflim.

Task 9
I would like to try out long exposures effect at night making the image look like dust/evening. I would like to learn about this cause the images look completely different from the original image, i will take a photo off before to show what it looks like before and then change the settings and write down the effects that are going to be used and then take the photo. You will be able to see the difference and know how to also do it too. I also would like to try how to do Panaronic Photography and take photos off a landscape , i would write about how to do to and say what locations I am using and present them with the photos taken. To do the long expourses i will put my camera on a slow shutter speed, using manual mode. Having the camera on a manual focus, i will change the settings in my camera menu to 'landscape' as the image will be a landscape image. I will take a photo before, then with the landscape effect on and then i will take the image using a slow shutter speed. Showing the different processes off it all. For the Panaronic Photography i will go to a place that looks over a place and then take photos around and then blend them together to make them look like one image.  I would also like to learn how to do Infrared photography as the images are different and the colours come out and make the images look not normal and extrodionary. Like the long exposures I will show what the image looks like before and take a variety off images using different effects and compare them all. Using a range off effects, shutter speed, ISO and changing the settings on the camera. Over all I will try these 3 different effects using different effects and showing what it looks like before and after showing the difference between the images and writing about what effects i used to create the images. If any off the images fail i will write about what went wrong and how i can improve on it. I will take serval different images for each off the effects i plan to do.

Documentary Assignment

Task 1

Martin Parr is a british documentery photographer, He is also a member of magnum, a photo website. Martin Parrs photographs can make us feel uncomfortable sometimes. His photos are orignal and entertain us and understandable to us aswell. But at the same time it shows use how we are and how other people see us and each other.

Martin Parr Luxury
These images are the life off a First class citizien, but showing there flaws, so they dont look so perfect. This is what martin parr thinks off them and how he sees them. They are photos from art fairs to horse riding events.

Andrea russo is a photographer from Italy
24 hours in Tokyo - Japan
Photographer - Andrea Russo
These imaqges are 24 hours around Tokyo, In Tokyo and Under. 


Zed Nelson lives in london, His work had been exhibited worldwide, getting major awards as a documentary photographer, He has also worked in the most troubled areas of the world. 


Task 2

Gun Nation -
These images are about America and how they are allowed guns to for their own self defensive. Everyone in America has guns, even if your little. For every 10 people 9 off them have a gun. The law doesnt allow guns. The effect off the images that people will think that its a violent country and everyone will get the wrong impression. But having a gun does call trouble. The photographer has taken them landscape and in black and white. I think when he takes them like that it makes the matter look more serious. All the images have the same message and style, they dont vary as they give people the same message. The images are very sucessful in telling the story, as it makes America look bad for having gun violence. The message is very strong. The images communicate the photographers opinion very well, as he is showing what happens also if you have a gun. If you have a gun in america you are protecting yourself you can also be causing some trouble. The images are placed in a sequence, they are just set out normally with a quote next to it. The quote is what a person has said. I dont think the images are for anything, i just think he wanted to put a message across to people. He also  takes shots in a studio and at a hospital to show the effects off what guns can cause.

Luxury - 
The images are about the life off a first class citizen, Martin parr was very certain about the pictures he took to capture what he wanted to show. The images reflect his opinion and what he thinks. The images are shot with flash, lots off contrast and high exposure, taken landscape. They images are reflecting what first class people look like at times, and what there life is like or what it is made to look like. All the images are similar and on the same topic, they are all the same style. 
There is text that accompanies the image is from http://todayspictures.slate.com/20090629/ 
The text is - 
'Traditionally, the portrayal of poverty has been the domain of the “concerned” photographer, but Martin Parr has photographed wealth in the same spirit, believing that when people of the emerging upper-middle classes around the world demand and receive the luxury goods that are taken for granted in the West, the pressure on the world’s resources will be considerable. In light of the recent global economic meltdown, his work can be viewed in a different light. An exhibition of this work can be seen at Second Street Gallery in Charlottesville, Va., through July 18.'
The images are sucessful in telling the story because it shows martin parrs opinion and what he thinks about them. As he doesnt like first class citizens as he has photographed them bad. The images communicate the photographers opinion. The images arent sequenced in a certain way, they are just taken and collect as one. The images are not for anything certain, he just wanted to show his opinion. 

24 hours in japan - 
Zed nelson has photographed his images in Tokyo showing 24 hours around Tokyo and what happens. The images are captured to show people the 24 hours in Tokyo. They are shot in black and white, Landscape, potrait and using a fish eye lens. The images are under, around and in Tokyo. They dont tell a certain story they just show what goes on within a city off 12 million people in 24 hours. The images all came with indiviual text. 
The first image with the 3 ladies laughing on the subway the text that accompines the image is  
'3 women laughing in the most dignified way'
The second image with the city photo and a person walking across the text that accompines the image is 
'On the street in Shimbuya area.'
The third image with the pregnant women resting the text that accompines the image is 
'Pregnant woman takes a breath in the subway after running to reach out the train.'
The images are shown on a documentry site and there are other images showing Tokyo. 

Task 3
Recreating photos 
Martin Parr

Zed nelson

Andrea Russo

Task 4
Martin Parrs work relfects his opinion and he uses flash and shoots in bright colours and makes them bright if editing them. Luxury are showing a different side too first class, he is showing them at there worst and that they are normal like everyones else.
He likes to create fiction out off reality - quoted http://www.photoeye.com/bookstore/citation.cfm?Catalog=dq301
His photos are different to other photographers.

Zed nelson photos are showing the good and bad sides off guns, as he shows the effects off them but although how they are protecting you and your family. He wants everyone to know what happens or what could happen. Not many people are allowed to have guns, its not the law. But most people have guns. Even young children. He also gives a bad opinion on it, by showing photos off what happens with people get shot. Having a gun symbolises freedom in America. 

Andrea Russo photos record 24 hours in Tokyo and what happens. Its simple photos off what people doing around and what happens.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Studio photography assignment

John Rankin Waddell born in 1966.
He is a British portrait and fashion photographer.
I like the beauty and fashion work. 

Andrea Belluso
Fashion photographer
What I like? The way they put 2 different photos together. What they wear is different to what some photographers use. The way they have been made to pose. How they have a photo and some sort of object next to it. I like the commerical and the liftstyle photos. 
What I dont like? Potrait photos, I just dont like them because they look pointless and the background looks werid and badly lighted. I also dont like how they are edited. 

Nicolaas de bruin
Fashion photographer
What I like? They are different by the setting, different range of models. Photos taken in different locations/areas. The outfits and make up inspire me and the different shooting areas. I like the beauty book and how they are edited and set up.
What I dont like? I dont like how he advertises thingsin the commerical book. Some off the images dont look like there trying to advertise anything.

Floor plan -

Camera settings - 
ISO - 100
Shutter speed - 1/125
Aperture - F8
White & Black background

The images i am going to recreate are -

I am going to recreate Rankin's photos, i have choosen to recreate this pictures because they are
different and bright colours
for the make up. Not all of them force on a particular part.
There are also pictures of flowers with colour bursting out of them